Implementasi Kurikulum Kulliyatul Mu’allimin Wal Mu’allimat Al-Islamiyah (KMI) Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ikhlas Taliwang


  • Jajang Haris Bin Andi Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat
  • Husnul Khotimah Universitas Cordova, Nusa Tenggara Barat



Implementasi, Kurikulum KMI


Curriculum is the important one in any  particular educations formal or informal. Then how to implement it in  reaching the purpose of education, because the  implementation of curriculum as process system of putting an agreed plan, decision, proposal, idea or policy in order to give the good effect on the change, skill, or value, manner and attitude   effectively and efficiently. And it’s also as the real action of planning to make the concept, idea, program, or structure curriculum on learning new activities in order to change the group of students are expected. Therefor the implementation of KMI curriculum means as process systems of action on activities,  idea, program by doing hard based to the true norm to reach the purpose of education.


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Dokumen Kurikulum KMI Pondok Pesantren Al-Ikhlas Taliwang




How to Cite

Jajang Haris Bin Andi, and Husnul Khotimah. 2024. “Implementasi Kurikulum Kulliyatul Mu’allimin Wal Mu’allimat Al-Islamiyah (KMI) Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ikhlas Taliwang”. Risalah, Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Studi Islam 10 (2):722-29.


